The Lakewood UCC Book Group will meet Sunday, May 15th at 11:30 am in the Conference Room to discuss Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Braiding Sweetgrass is a collection of essays, that weaves in memoir and indigenous storytelling. – Carolyn Ewald, who will be leading this discussion, has suggested these essays for discussion: Planting Sweetgrass: Sky Woman Falling; Tending Sweetgrass: Allegiance to Gratitude; Braiding Sweetgrass: The Sound of Silverbells; Burning Sweetgrass – The Sacred and the Superfund. But, if you have one you really liked or spoke to you about, feel free to bring them up at our meeting. Hope this is helpful, we are all busy this time of year! Feel free to bring something from Fellowship to eat and drink. I know that I will be getting hungry by then. For information, contact Linda Andreen at 720-257-4275.