“And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me . . .’”
Mark 1:17

Ministry for All Ages

As disciples of Jesus, we never stop learning, discovering, and growing in faith. Our adult education, youth, and small ones’ programming encompasses a wide variety of formats, times, and topics. See below for some of our recurring offerings, then check out the latest opportunities.


See below to view our options for our very young ones for when we are all back in person again!

Youth 7th-12th

See below to view our opportunities for youth to both get involved and build a community just for them.


See below to view our adult community opportunities, book studies, and more.

Registration for All Faith Formation Programs

We ask that parents of kids of any age (nursery through YAC) take about 10 minutes to fill out a registration form by clicking the button below. This helps keep kids and youth safe and helps us better minister to them. Thank you!


Supporting healthy and productive lifestyles

Nursery on Sundays: We provide nursery care for infants through five-year-olds on Sunday mornings. Our trained and experienced caregivers are available every Sunday from 9:30 am until the end of the worship service. Please sign your child in and out of the Nursery Room, which is located in the northeast corner of the building.

Sunday Morning Faith Formation: Sunday Morning Faith Formation for children from Pre-Kindergarten to 6th Grade is held during worship, on the first and third Sundays, September through May. Students are invited to begin in worship with their parent(s)/guardian(s), and then leave after about 10 minutes, during the “Passing of the Peace.” On all other Sundays, children stay with their parents to worship in the sanctuary. We offer wiggle bags and Children’s Moments and embrace the joy that children bring to our service.

Youth At Church

Supporting healthy and productive lifestyles

Our youth group, for teenagers in 7th through 12th grade, is known affectionately as “Youth at Church” or “YAC.” Most Sundays we meet from 6:30-8 pm, in the basement Youth Room as much as possible. We meet from September – May, taking a break during the summer. During the summer months, we encourage participation at La Foret, our church camp, and in our Service Learning Trip with other youth in the Denver Metro Area. 
Our team of adult volunteers helps the youth create a safe space where they can be themselves, get to know each other, connect with God, ask the big questions, and live out their faith. Most of our activities fall into one or more of the following categories:
Team Building: Our youth group is based on the principle that everyone has a voice, everyone deserves to be listened to, and no one gets left out. So, whether we’re doing stuff that’s silly or stuff that’s serious (or stuff that’s a little of both), we’re always working at building a sense of trust, teamwork, and inclusion.
Discussion: Youth have questions. Big questions. So we provide a place where they can talk about life, love, God, Jesus, the Bible, faith, sexuality, and social justice, and know that no question is too big, too small, too weird, or too stupid. We use a variety of formats to get the conversation started.
Service Learning: Service Learning is how we walk the walk, not just talk the talk. We’ve done everything from working the food at The Action Center to making gifts for our homebound members, to having a full week of service learning in places like Pine Ridge, South Dakota and Albuquerque, NM. We try to live out Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 25:35-36: “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me . . .”
Fun: Some of our fun is scheduled. But a lot of our fun just kind of happens. And that’s usually the best kind.
Please reach out to Rev. Mollie at mollie@lakewooducc.com if you are interested or have any questions.

Adult Ministry

OccaSupporting healthy and productive lifestyles

Special Events: We frequently offer opportunities for adults to gather and discuss relevant topics, such as reducing gun violence, creation justice, anti-racism, embracing diversity, and so much more. See the calendar and Beacon for more information on these events.

Lenten Book Study: For Christians, Lent is a season of fasting, repentance, and contemplation. It’s the time when we remember Jesus’ betrayal, his crucifixion, and ultimately, his resurrection on Easter Sunday. Every year, we offer a Lenten Study, using a book or a video series to help us look inward: at our lives, our faith, our beliefs, and our spiritual practices.

Bible Study: Every Wednesday morning at 10:45 am, on Zoom, Pastor Curt leads a Bible Study for 20-30 members of the congregation. There’s always a lively discussion and a lot of laughter. Basically, if you’re trying to figure out how to take scripture that was written at least 2,000 years ago and apply it to your life in the modern world, this is the perfect place to do it. Please reach out to Rev. Curt Preston, at curt@lakewooducc.com, if you are interested in joining us!

Prayer Group: Prayer Group meets on the first Monday of the month from 9:30 am-11:15 am. Member updates, an opening devotion or meditation, and a review of current and new prayer requests are routine. Although not a book club, we often read and study books pertaining to prayer. We respect confidentiality in prayer requests. Most prayer requests are honored for a month unless otherwise requested. In addition to individual and collective prayers, we are able to provide a member-knitted prayer shawl. Twila Shankland, Coordinator. 

Sacred Circles: Sacred Circles are groups of 4-8 women that gather regularly for deepening relationships, support, and spiritual formation. Think of it as a book group where the text explored is the stories of our lives. Each circle meets on their own schedule and decides together how they want its circle to function. Some Circles meet in people’s homes, others go out to lunch or dinner, and others gather at the church. Some meet during the day, others in the evening. There is no wrong way to Sacred Circle. Circles are typically organized by the time that people are available to meet, rather than by interest or topic. We will be forming new Sacred Circles starting this summer. If you are interested in being part of a Sacred Circle, please contact Pastor Curt at curt@lakewooducc.com