Sunday, November 10, 2019

Isaiah 43:14-21

It’s easy to get discouraged. Even a cursory glance at the news carries stories of all that isn’t going well in the world. Division and disagreement feel like the norm. Many of us are overwhelmed by the sheer enormity of the problems we face. Enter Isaiah. God’s prophet speaking to a people who are lost, confused, and overwhelmed. “Do not remember the former things,” Isaiah says. “I am about to do a new thing . . . do you not perceive it?” Join us this Sunday as Pastor Curt preaches on water in the desert, God’s new thing, and how we were made for times such as these. We’ll be concluding our Stewardship Campaign, dedicating our pledge cards and other gifts, and gathering after worship for a free celebratory lunch. You don’t want to miss this Sunday!