Join us on Sunday, March 24 for Palm Sunday! We are offering a Palm Parade, an Egg Hunt, and a Potluck Brunch. See more information about these fun events below.

Palm Sunday Service and Egg Hunt
Sunday, March 24, 10:15 am
Join us for worship where we’ll mark Jesus’ entry in Jerusalem with the waving of Palms for the Palm Parade. Stay for the Fellowship potluck and Egg Hunt, hosted by Faith Formation and our youth! Bring your own basket or bag, extras will be available.
Palm Sunday Brunch
Sunday, March 24,11:30 am
It’s time again to celebrate Palm Sunday with our annual Potluck Brunch! This is always one of the most joyful events we have to start Holy Week. It is always a delight to see and taste all the creative brunch dishes. For this potluck, here are the categories based on your last name;
Last Names A-G: Side dish
Last Names H-N: Dessert
Last Names O-Z: Main dish
If your last name begins with D: you are the wild cards and you can bring whatever you want.
Please make a list of the ingredients of your dish to display so that we can avoid any allergic reactions. As always, Lakewood UCC is a nut-free zone. Just a reminder, we will have the oven in the kitchen on low to keep dishes warm, but it is not possible to actually cook your dish in the oven at the church. Please plan accordingly.