June 12-15, 9:00-11:30. Children will explore the short yet prophetic message of Micah 6:8- “The Lord has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” This passage has historically had special significance to the UCC, but it certainly has universal appeal. Children will explore the following daily themes: Doing Justice, Loving Kindness, Walking Humbly With God, and Living the Good Life. The children will begin each morning in a large group for welcome, announcements, music, and opening presentation. They will then divide into three pre-assigned “family groups” consisting of children age 4 – 6th grade. Each group will rotate through three stations: games, craft, and activity. All the groups will eat snack together between rotations two and three. At the end of the morning, children will come back together for songs and dismissal. On day 4 parents are invited to the closing worship at 11:15, during which the children will present some of what they learned. The program will include a mission project assembling bags of basic necessities to give to those experiencing homelessness. It will be a fun-filled, energy-packed, meaningful experience for all ages! To register a child, click here. To be a high school or adult volunteer, email Loganleebennett@gmail.com