Week Two:

Reflection: Prayers from Hallie Hottle, Pastor of Young Adults at Village Presbyterian Church
God of all creation, we praise you and we pray to you, for all creation glistens with your glory,
and all creation groans at our indifference.
God, how you must despise our worship of convenience that floats as plastic islands in your oceans, and how offended must you be? As we erase the colors of your great barrier reef, before our children get to see.
God, all creation groans under the weight of our indifference, and we need so badly for you to help us hear it.
Action: This week challenge yourself and reflect on . . . how little garbage (including recycling) you can generate. Store your cloth/reusable grocery or produce bags in your car. Decline taking plastic shopping bags from other retailers when purchasing items. Pledge to carry a coffee thermos, water bottle, utensils and straw set. Reduce/eliminate purchasing new plastics by purchasing items packaged in glass or aluminum, or from “bulk” bins and “refill” options.