Week One:

Reflection: A Prayer from the Lenten Devotional, by John Pitney
Creator God, make us worthy of our food. Let us feast to the fullest on the faire of flock and field that most honors the integrity of soil, water, air, the sanctity of human labor, and the sufficiency of community. Let us fast of tables that exploit, deplete, isolate, and condemn. And may we welcome to the best seats, the most marginalized of humanity and the most endangered of plant and creature-kind. If by breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we can condemn, then by dinner, lunch, and breakfast may we be saved? Amen.
Action: This week challenge yourself and reflect on  . . .  can I go meatless for 1-2 days per week? Consider Meatless Mondays, taco Tuesdays, and/or fish on Fridays. Lowering your meat consumption reduces your carbon footprint and addresses the issue of feeding a population expected to reach over 9 billion by 2050.